Nike Fuelband & Nike+ Site

現在最新的iOS版Fuelapp已經跟Apple的HealthKit平台整合,換言之Fuelapp可以從iPhone5S或更新型號iPhone上的動態感應器取得用戶活動數據,並將之 ...,Whenitsyncwithmyfone,theNRCappdoesn'tshowaNikeFuelmeasurement,butthewatchissetasadeviceintheapp.Whatshould...。參考影片的文章的如下:


iPhone 的Nike+ Fuel app 終於可以獨立運作,不求FuelBand

現在最新的iOS 版Fuel app 已經跟Apple 的HealthKit 平台整合,換言之Fuel app 可以從iPhone 5S 或更新型號iPhone 上的動態感應器取得用戶活動數據,並將之 ...

Why my Apple Watch isn't measuring Nike Fuel on NRC?

When it sync with my fone, the NRC app doesn't show a Nike Fuel measurement, but the watch is set as a device in the app. What should be happening?

Nike Fuel App and Apple Watch

I downloaded the Nike Fuel app to track my progress. My question, is there a way to sync the data from the Nike app to my overall activity for my watch?

PTO Case Story - The Nike Fuel Band

In April of 2014 Nike choose to shut down the Fuel Band. Many of its engineers left to work on the Apple Watch. The Fuel Band was a failed product after ...

Where is the Nike Fuel Application for the Apple Watch?

Nike Fuel is a perfect application for the Apple Watch. The watch's motion-sensing technology, pulse detection, and always-on reminders are an ...

Apple Watch Nike

邁開步, 一起進步。 多年來,Apple 和Nike 激勵著人們,邁開雙腳,奔向世界。我們已重新構思錶帶的設計,善用既有物料,幫助減少廢棄物。 因為我們相信,再小的腳步都能帶來 ...

Apple Watch Nike+ May Be Nike's Reward For Letting FuelBand Die

Nike conveniently discontinued its plans to make future FuelBands in the months leading up to the Apple Watch launch in 2015.

How to set up NikeFuel? : rAppleWatch

You have to be doing an outdoor workout longer than 20 minutes for it to get any usable Vo2Max data.


現在最新的iOS版Fuelapp已經跟Apple的HealthKit平台整合,換言之Fuelapp可以從iPhone5S或更新型號iPhone上的動態感應器取得用戶活動數據,並將之 ...,Whenitsyncwithmyfone,theNRCappdoesn'tshowaNikeFuelmeasurement,butthewatchissetasadeviceintheapp.Whatshouldbehappening?,IdownloadedtheNikeFuelapptotrackmyprogress.Myquestion,isthereawaytosyncthedatafromtheNikeapptomyoverallactivityformywatch?,InAprilof2014N...

五分鐘看完今年 Apple 新機發表會

五分鐘看完今年 Apple 新機發表會

今天凌晨的Apple發表會發表了全新的AppleWatch 以及大家最期待的iPhone7,其中帶來了許多新的功能和改變,但令人最開心的莫過於台灣終於擠進了首波銷售的國家。如果你錯過了昨晚的發表會內容,沒關係!《硬是要...